Create a Cassandra cluster with OpsCenter on Amazon EC2

Today I played a little with Cassandra on Amazon EC2. It was a very user friendly and pleasant experience to deploy a cluster with 2 nodes in one region using DataStax OpsCenter.

First I started a m1.small instance in Amazon EC2 where I installed OpsCenter. For this I chose Centos 6, the official AMI. Before starting to install OpsCenter, we need to configure the firewall in order to be able to access it. In AWS console, under the Security group, there is “CentOS 6 -x86_64- – with Updates-6 – 2014-09-29-AutogenByAWSMP-“. We need to righ-click on it and Edit inbound rules. Here we add a new Custom TCP Rule with port 8888 and the Source IP: My IP.

Anyway, I noticed that the instance has also an iptables firewall and the port 8888 is not open. So, on the instance I did:

iptables -I INPUT 4 -p tcp --dport 8888 -j ACCEPT
iptables-save | tee /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Now, we can install OpsCenter. All you need to do is to follow the installation guide for RPM package from DataStax:

Continue reading Create a Cassandra cluster with OpsCenter on Amazon EC2

Cassandra cannot parse ‘my_key’ as hex bytes

If you have “cannot parse ‘whatever_my_key’ as hex bytes” when you try to query Cassandra for some data, as in example below:

get ServerLog['my_key'] limit 10;
org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: cannot parse 'my_key' as hex bytes

then you must set the client-side encoding with assume command:

assume ServerLog keys as utf8;